Exhibitor Warning

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Attendee List Email Scam
Emails are circulating that offer to sell attendee lists for our exhibitions and conferences. These emails are sent by scammers either impersonating TransGlobal Events Ltd or appearing to be a legitimate company associated with TransGlobal Events Ltd.

Note that TransGlobal Events Ltd never sells or shares its exhibitor or attendee lists. It is not possible that they have our attendees’ details. We have never authorized a third-party to distribute or sell any lists related to our events and never will.  Statements claiming to offer our attendee lists are thus fraudulent.

If you receive emails that propose to sell attendee lists, do not engage with the sender and delete the message immediately


Our exhibitions and conferences are also the target of hotel scams. Scammers call or email attendees and exhibitors, claiming to represent Trans-Global Events Ltd and its associated events, and encourage our customers to book rooms using fake promotion codes at a variety of hotels close to the venue.

Event Express is the official accommodation agency and the only third-party company that may send emails or place phone calls to individuals in order to promote specific accommodations. Event Express will not call you to make your reservations so please be aware of any callers claiming to be an employee of Event Express.

For more information regarding accommodation, please visit the Travel & Hotels section on the event website or contact Event Express directly:

Telephone: + 44 (0) 1905 732737

Email: reservations@eventexpressuk.com

Event Express Ltd

Unit 7 Berkeley Business Park

Wainwright Road

Worcester, WR4 9FA


Showguide Scam

It has been brought to our attention that our exhibitors are being approached to promote their participation at the show in 'Expo Guide'. The letter is written to be misleading and what appears to be an offer of a FREE listing will actually cost your company a significant amount of money. We do not endorse this guide and we urge you to disregard any correspondence you may receive in relation to an 'Expo Guide'.

If you are contacted by 'Expo Guide', or any other related association, we suggest that you do not progress the conversation any further and that you contact us immediately to inform us of the approach.

The AEO (UK Association of Event Organisers) is aware of these scams and has the latest developments on these threats on its website. Please click here for more information.

Misrepresentation as Official Contractors or Service Providers. Here also the official warning by AUMA.

Contractor Scam

Numerous instances of dubious practices by third-party companies have been reported, including some in the transportation, audio-visual, display rental and installation and dismantling sectors. These companies misrepresent themselves as official contractors and use the strength of our show’s brand without sufficient benefit to exhibitors for what they charge. Often, these companies will not deliver the promised services or will deliver poor-quality products and services with minimal customer service. Additionally, these companies may not be present at the show site to assist with any issues, thus causing you more headaches and costs.



How to spot scams, how to avoid them and what to do if you've engaged with a scammer.  

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