Bruno Gerrits
Business Development Manager Europe,
Global CCS Institute
Bruno Gerrits works at the Global CCS Institute Brussels office since 2018. Covering a vast and -also in CCS terms- diverse region his team works with members, policy makers and stakeholders across many countries and industries: from oil &gas to cement and steel, to technology and services. His ambition is to progress CCS solutions in Europe as part of a timely, cost-efficient and just transition. As a Connector, his strategy to achieve this is to: Understand your role in the value chain and what you are seeking to achieve. Support you in finding the information and people who can get you there. Build a community with you to further foster collaboration, influence public opinion and meet the Paris 2050 goals
23-Oct-2024Strategic ForumIndustry Trends and Global Overview of CCS
24-Oct-2024Strategic ForumLeadership Roundtable: The Opportunities and Challenges of Carbon Pricing