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24 Feb 2025

Petrobras awards SBM Offshore with the study for FPSO carbon capture solutions

Petrobras awards SBM Offshore with the study for FPSO carbon capture solutions

This brand new modular solution makes it possible to reduce the overall emissions produced from FPSOs. The main cause of these emissions is the production of both oil and gas from FPSOs.

Recently a study was carried out around FPSOs, which specifically focused on the designing and commercial evaluation of a variety of carbon capture systems configurations. All of these configurations are being assessed around whether or not they would be the right fit to be installed on future FPSOs, which will be deployed on Petrobras fields.

The different pieces of equipment include, ‘various turbine types and machinery set up,’ ‘various gas flow rates and gas turbine power installed,’ ‘various CO2 concentrations and gas composition.’

It is clear that the module design is based on an engineering and design study, which was successful and which occurred between SBM Offshore and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI). This study then went on to be qualified by DNV and was based on  combination of MHI’s proprietary CO2 capture technology as well as, SBM Offshore’s industry leading Fast4ward® principles.

Right now the solution is being developed as part of SBM Offshore’s emissionZERO® program.

Chief Business Officer at SBM Offshore, Olivier Icyk, stated, “The signature of this study demonstrates the trust that Petrobras has in SBM Offshore as an ocean infrastructure pioneer. We continue to work towards decarbonization solutions in the design of our products and in our offshore operations. Through this study, we will be able to advance the carbon capture module design jointly with our partner MHI for CO2 reduction on future FPSOs.”


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