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20 May 2024

Norway and Switzerland have strengthened their agreement in order to focus on CCS and CDR

Norway and Switzerland have strengthened their agreement in order to focus on CCS and CDR

Switzerland and Norway’s respective governments have signed a Declaration of Intent, which has been designed to strengthen the two countries cooperation over CCS and carbon dioxide removal.

This agreement was made during a video call between the Minister of Energy and the Swiss Minister of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, Albert Rösti.

Both of these countries have shown large ambition when it comes to climate and energy policies and meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. It has already been stated that in order for Europe and the world to reach their climate targets, a lot of climate measures are required and this includes CCS and CDR.

In particular Norway has displayed a lot of support for the carbon capture and storage and this can be seen in the country’s participation in a wide range of activities. These activities include things such as research and development and they also stretch all the way to things such as full-scale demonstration and international cooperation which works to promoting CCS.

The next steps now that this agreement has been signed, involves a Norwegian-Swiss CCS stakeholder event in Zurich taking place. This event will be aimed at gathering stakeholder and industry.

Norway Minister of Energy, Terje Aasland, commented, "In increased focus on carbon capture and storage and carbon dioxide removals and promising and rapid development, especially in Europe. This drives the industry forward. We need to facilitate long-term investment to enable the industry to take decisions and turn carbon capture and storage into a sustainable commercial market.”


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