Heriot-Watt and National Central University create partnership
A new collaboration between Heriot-Watt University and National Central University (NCU) in Taiwan has begun. The purpose of this collaboration, will be for the parties to focus on addressing global energy challenges, especially CCS.
Once this collaboration had been planned, a senior delegation from Heriot-Watt travelled to Taoyuan City, with the intention of meeting their counterparts from NCU. Taoyuan City is an estimated fifty kilometres south of Taipei. From there the collaboration was formalised with the creation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU officially marked the start of a partnership which would be dedicated to advancing research and innovation within GeoEnergy.
Through this MoU, which became effective immediately, both parties will collaborate throughout the next few years and this will involve things such as joint initiatives. Joint initiatives will be activities such as, student placements, workshops, joint funding applications, co-developed teaching programmes and finally, shared access to world-class facilities. Overall, these efforts look to promote scientific, cultural and finally, societal impact, across a global scale.
Right now, the agreement which has been made, pinpoints a focus on key areas, such as, Carbon Capture and Storage and Geothermal Energy. Furthermore, the agreement also highlights a commitment to share both equipment and facilities, co-supervise PhD students, and partake in joint industry projects. Another focus is for the companies to ensure that activities and learning experiences for students and early career researchers are enhanced and enriched.
Professor of Earth Sciences, Professor Andreas Busch, signed the agreement on behalf of Heriot-Watt University. Associate Professor of Geoscience, Dr Uisdean Nicholson, initiated the collaboration and commented, "By combining Heriot-Watt’s research excellence with those of National Central University, we aim to unlock new opportunities and work to find innovative solutions to renewable energy from geothermal sources and to decarbonise industry through CCS. Together, we will deliver meaningful impact through cutting-edge research and knowledge-sharing that benefits both students and society.”
Dean of the College of Earth Sciences at NCU, Professor Shu-Kun Hsu, added, “NCU is strong on education and research in the field of Earth Sciences and recently have put much efforts on energy transition, renewable energy (especially on offshore wind, geothermal, ocean energy), carbon capture and storage and geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste. These fields of study match very well with Heriot-Watt’s GeoEnergy initiatives. The collaboration between two universities will definitely bring profound impacts on both societies."