Microchannel Devices S.r.l.
- | Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage
- | Research & Development
- | Transportation & Distribution & Storage solutions
- | Fuel Cell Components
Microchannel Devices (µCD) produces semi-finished and finished products featuring micro.channel patterns, aimed at energy transition processes and green economy. The products of µCD cover the entire chain of production, distribution and use of hydrogen, LNG, use and conversion of CO2, both for power generation applications and for chemical and biological reactors. A fully verticalized manufacturing process allows MCD to manufacture products caractherized by any pattern of micro-channels for fluid management like: bipolar plates, PCHE (printed circuit heat exchangers) and chemical reactors. The processes fully mastered by MCD are the deep photo-chemical etching on metal plates with capability of very large formats and the solid-state welding process known as Diffusion Bonding.
64 Strada della CebrosaSettimo Torinese
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Large format bipolar plates featuring photo-chemically etched micro-channels for high performance fuel cells and electrolyzers
Multi-stream high pressure heat exchanger for high pressure multi-stage gas compressors
Multistream Heat Exchanger for very high pressure hydrogen for Hydrogen Refilling Stations - according to SAEJ2601