The platform has the following capabilities:
- Anode and cathode gas flow, stoich, temperature and humidity, back pressure open loop and closed loop automatic control;
- The pressure, flow rate and temperature of the stack cooling system are adjustable, integrated with stack inlet/outlet temperature control options and delta-T control;
- Switching between dry and wet gas on cathode and anode;
- Programmed control of nitrogen flow, pressure, temperature and humidity – for H2 purity sensitivity test and stack leakage test;
- Nitrogen purge upon user request or Estop events;
- Safety alarming system;
- PLC controlled system and electrical cabinet – SIL2, CE available;
- Cell and stack voltage inspection;
- Insulation monitoring;
- Load bank to control current, voltage or power
- Stack anode and cathode bypass;
- Data collection and storage;
NOVA test software with bench parameters control, data graphing, analysis and logging, alarm and equation configuration, safety monitoring engine, script drafting and automatic