Agenda 2024

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European Hydrogen's Political Landscape- European hydrogen backbone and funding

23 Oct 2024
Strategic Forum

As Europe is setting ever more ambitious net-zero targets, hydrogen is becoming an increasingly prominent player in an evolving energy landscape. In this session, speakers will discuss the strategic vision and funding mechanisms in motion to make this a reality. Speakers will discuss regional activities in the hydrogen sector, and how these interplay in creating a European-wide hydrogen backbone.

Serene Esuruoso, Energy Systems Innovation Lead - Innovate UK
Joschka Knuth, State Secretary in the Ministry of Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature - The State of Schleswig-Holstein
Frank Doods, State Secretary - Lower Saxony Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport, Housing & Digitalisation
Till Mansmann, Innovation Commissioner for Green Hydrogen - Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Philip Broeksma, Vice Mayor - City of Groningen

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