Agenda 2024

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eMethane paving the way to hydrogen economy

24 Oct 2024
E-Fuels and Hydrogen Propulsion

Europe's competitiveness requires independence from critical raw materials needed for the clean transition and technological leadership in clean energy technologies. To significantly reduce the import dependence of the European energy system and expedite the clean transition, Europe must prioritize a significant increase in the production of renewable solar and wind energy. However, increasing the relative share of this weather-dependent energy production leads to temporal mismatch between energy production and consumption), and the price fluctuations brought about by these. Europe is responding to this challenge by strongly supporting the creation and promotion of the hydrogen economy in Europe.

In terms of competitiveness and technological leadership, the key question is where to allocate limited resources. i.e. is it appropriate to strive to reform the entire energy system at the same time or to prioritize technological leadership in green hydrogen production technologies and its subsequent processing, such as e-fuels, for which distribution, storage and widespread end-use technology already exist. Synthetic methane can be seamlessly integrated into existing transportation and distribution systems. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition towards sustainable energy solutions without significant additional costs for transmission, distribution and storage systems and end-use technology.

Finlands first green hydrogen and synthetic methane production plants in Harjavalta
P2X Solutions a Finnish pioneer in green hydrogen and Power-to-X technology, is building Finland’s first green hydrogen production and synthetic methane production plants in Harjavalta. In this project P2X Solutions is the project owner and Q Power is synthetic methane technology provider.

Location - Harjavalta Industrial Park
Harjavalta Industrial Park is an industrial area of approximately 300 hectares on the shore of the Kokemäenjoki river. The Industrial Park is home to around twenty companies that are significant specialists in metallurgy, chemical industry and utilisation of process energy and experts in areas supporting these functions.

Green hydrogen production
The planned production facility has a capacity of 20 megawatts and as by-products it generates oxygen and thermal energy needed by industries. When commissioned, the facility will produce green hydrogen for e.g. industrial needs by using electricity produced from renewable energy sources. Part of the produced green hydrogen is processed into synthetic methane in the commissioned methanation plant. In our presentation we will focus on eMethane production.

Synthetic methane production
P2X Solutions procures synthetic methane production technology from the Q Power. The renewable synthetic methane production plant is being built in connection with a green hydrogen production plant. The contract covers the design, manufacture, and implementation of the methanation unit for P2X Solutions’ hydrogen production plant in Harjavalta. The carbon dioxide required to produce methane will be captured from industrial processes. The hydrogen plant will be commissioned in fall 2024 and eMethane plant will be operating in Q1/2025.

Marko Niskanen, Technical Director - Q Power Oy

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